Saturday, March 31, 2007


On the Other Side of a Nervous Breakdown

I’m finally back. Not back in any one place but back to a little sanity after a couple weeks of craziness. As many of you may know, I have had constant hormone imbalances that can be rather unpleasant. They don’t cause mood changes they are just annoying. The only solution it seems is to take birth control pills. The problem is that I go crazy on birth control pills. But I’m here, the climate and the food are different, I decided I would try it once again. Whoops!!!! I just spent my second day without birth control pills (after two weeks) and I feel like my own personality is returning to me. I got cranky (I yelled at a little boy on the plane who was crying because his ears hurt), I got irrational and cried at stupid things, I thought that everyone was out to get me. Yeah it’s a barrel of monkeys!! This time something good actually came of it. I had a nervous breakdown. A serious one. A crying at the office kind of nervous breakdown. As you know I’m usually smiling and very very rarely do I cry. This would be a first for me—crying at work.

Why was this good you ask? Because I rebounded from it in a lovely way. This nervious breakdown had been simmering for a while and when I cracked and came up for air again the birds were singing, the sky was a lovely blue and I decided to get a Bruce Willis notebook (see below) and write down all of the positive and funny things in my life. There are many. These are the things I’m going to share with y’all. This will be many posts so feel free to digest it slowly but it’s all going to be either positive or funny or both. Yeah!!!!

I'd give you a hug if I could. I'll add it to the collection of other hugs I owe you. You might want to start preparing yourself - you might not be able to handle me.
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