Sunday, September 24, 2006


Drums beat my heart

I have spent some time getting around the city now and I’m starting to kind of get the lay of the land. I now feel comfortable squeezing in a small van and careening about the city with 18 other people squished beside me. But I still feel so distant from life here. I guess it has only been a couple of days but it struck me last night as I lay in bed under my mosquito net and heard the distant drum beats that sounded just like the candomble (Brazilian voodoo) ceremonies. It got louder and louder and I sat there in bed wiggling…wanting to go out and see it, wanting to dance, wanting to feel Mozambique. But I don’t know anyone that I can call up at midnight to go hunting for a religious ceremony with me. I hope this will change soon…I want to stop wiggling and actually go places.

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