Thursday, June 21, 2007


I was interviewed!!!

I was interviewed by Matthew the other day. Check it out. He has some great interviews. After having concluded my interview I thought of a million other embarrassing moments (like when I got off a crowded bus by squishing through a million people only to find out all the buttons on my shirt had popped off) that all seem to focus around bus misadventures. Here is the link:

MY INTERVIEW (click it...I know you want to)

I promise, promise, promise to update my blog after I finish with work today. I'll tell you about how cold it is, how much I yearn for real coffee, and my plans for a beach weekend. I've also started writing down interesting phrases that I use in my job like "Well, we should try buying donkeys for that region to help people get to the hospital, and then we could also have them work on collective farming projects lead by the village chiefs". Yippee

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